The amazing story
of Malcolm Smith,
spiritual healer

Let us know!




    A routine mammogram revealed an abnormality in my right breast.  I agreed to a biopsy but delayed the ductal carcinoma surgery until I could see you, Malcolm.  The breast surgeon said that she advised radiation for all of her patients.  After the surgery the oncologist reported, “This is as good as it gets.  They must have gotten most of the cancer when they did the biopsy.  No radiation or drugs needed.”   Another Malcolm/God miracle!  Thank you.

    A visit to the retinologist last week regarding my macular degeneration had a similar happy ending.  My eyes are improving.  “You read a line below your last visit,” the baffled doctor said. 

    My thanks, again, to you, Malcolm and your amazing connection to the healing force of the universe. 

    With Gratitude,

    Phyllis  C.      Tucson, Az

    *Phyllis has had 7 healing sessions and wishes to keep returning. She is in her 80's and drives 230 miles round trip to see Malcolm and has recommended numerous friends.

    The results of what you do truly are miracles!   
    Dear Malcolm,
    I just read in the ARE Northern CA newsletter about your surgery. I didn’t remember that you were having surgery, but interestingly enough, I found I was praying for you almost every day!  I prayed for your safety as you travel and for your health.  I was stunned to read how serious your situation was.

    The reason I was praying for you is because I knew of no other way to Thank You for what you have done for me! You must hear this over and over – but let me share with you how you have improved my life! I had four visits with you in 2008/2009 – two or three in Concord and one in Pt. Richmond.  I had been in an auto accident and had a backache that wouldn’t go away. Every time I sat for any length of time it was so painful to get up and get moving. I asked you to work on it – and I didn’t feel any difference until after the last visit. And the pain just disappeared -- and has not come back!!  What a relief it has been. In the grand scheme of things a backache isn’t all that bad, I guess, but it was in every part of my life.

    I have multiple things wrong and also had you work on my heart.  I have had Atrial Fibrillation for years and open heart surgery for repair and hopefully to stop the A-Fib. It didn’t!  I took medicine – it didn’t do much either. I had Cardio-Versions. (They stop the heart chemically and then jolt it back to life – with the idea it will re-set itself to the correct rhythm)   They worked for awhile, but the A-Fib always came back.

    On Feb. 16th 2010 I had my fifth cardio-version.  This one knocked the socks off me! The Dr. also doubled my meds. After a few days my heart started feeling wobbly again. But THIS time I remembered  the hankie you had given me and decided to pin it to my pajamas. I could feel a slight warmth and calm as soon as I put it on. Remember, all the previous meds, surgery, and cardio-versions didn’t stop the A-Fib for long. THIS time I have not had an episode since Feb. 16 2010, almost a year!!  Did the hankie do this? I certainly think so! This is just stunning. I feel SO much better!  Not just physically, but mentally.

     It’s very disconcerting to have your heart doing such strange things! So, now not only beating right, but the mental relief that it seems to be under control. And if it isn’t?  On with the hankie!  I think that hankie is my most treasured possession! You also helped my son who had driven me there. He had a terrible backache that he had for a long time. You just touched his back and his pain was gone and hasn’t come back.   

    Malcolm, there are no words I can use to convey how much I appreciate your willingness to travel overseas so many times a year to share your amazing gift. The results of what you do truly are miracles!

    With heartfelt thanks,

    Nancy G. ,  Northern California
    Jan 16, 2011


    Dear friends of Malcolm,

    I’d like to share this inspiring healing story that was shared with me from Cathy Perez from Tampa Bay. She shared the story as a way of explaining why she was motivated to drive from Tampa Bay to Virginia Beach, Florida for appointment with Malcolm for her two sons. Yes, she is going to drive eight hours to see Malcolm -- and this is the reason why in her own words:
    (I especially like the bit of clairvoyance Malcolm displays in the healing process)


    My husband was walking through the mall with our youngest son and felt very dizzy, like he was going to faint.  It scared him enough to go to the hospital. My husband is not the type to go to doctors or hospitals at all, so you know it must have been pretty bad.  They ran all sorts of tests on him and at first thought he may be hypoglycemic. The dizzy spells continued and so a CAT scan was done on his brain.  Two brain aneurysms were found, one behind each eye.  The Neurologist suggested surgery through the forehead.  We went for a second opinion and that neurologist recommended stints.  A third Neurologist recommended a wait and see approach and measure the aneurysms every 6 months. I believe we got a total of 5 different opinions from 5 different neurologists. We decided to do the wait and see approach. The aneurysms were measured every 6 months and changed a bit in size. Finally after 3 years of this we went to see Malcolm at the suggestion of my mother, Vernette von Besser, who was active at the time with the A.R.E. 

    My husband has not ever believed in healers and thought this was ridiculous, but dealing with the stress of it all he developed hyper tension and other health issues. We lived in constant fear the aneurysms would erupt and he'd leave our two children fatherless.  It was a horrible three years. The stress was finally too much he figured he didn't have anything to loose, and a lot to gain since I would have nagged him relentlessly had he not gone to see Malcolm. He was what one would refer to as a "non believer". Well he met with Malcolm 3 or 4 times and after the last session Malcolm said not to worry about the aneurysms anymore, that they were gone.  My husband absolutely did not believe him. We went to have them measured again right away and they were still there. We decided to make the appointment to have the stints put in so as not to have any more stress.  The day of the surgery was tense to say the least. My husband went in to have the dye run through to measure then aneurysms again and make sure there were no changes. When they brought him back to the room, the doctors could not believe it.....there were NO ANEURYSMS!!!!  Both were gone! Both that have been measured for 3 years! It was amazing.  I truly believe with all of my heart that Malcolm healed my husband’s aneurysms.  We will forever be grateful to him.

    Cathy also had a second story to share which is very reminiscent of healing experience that called Malcolm back to his healing ministry after he had given it up for a few years due to a series of discouraging setbacks in his life:
    My husband’s friend had a baby boy who was born with a very damaged heart valve. The doctors said he did not have long to live, maybe 3 months. He needed a simple surgery they said, but he was not healthy enough to have it done. Of course the parent’s got numerous opinions, but to no avail.  Since my husband was now a "believer" in healing powers, he recommended Malcolm to his friend.  Reluctantly the couple brought their son to Malcolm figuring they had nothing else to lose. They too were not believers. There wasn't one doctor that would perform the operation and time was running out. Malcolm said he would not be able to cure the baby but would be able to heal the valve long enough so that the baby would grow and be strong enough to have the lifesaving surgery. The parents went ahead with the healing. Their little baby lived and got strong enough to have the surgery. This little baby is now almost 6 years old!!!!  He is healthy and alive thanks to the wonderful healing powers of Malcolm!!!!!  God bless him for his amazing powers!!! This is a true miracle. 

    Cathy Perez, Florida


    I had a long standing lower intestinal problem (in part stemming from cancer surgery). It took a few visits to Malcolm but that problem has been resolved.

    Then, the upper digestive system gave me much trouble. It only took one visit to Malcolm to resolve that one. 

    Then, a sinus post-nasal drip problem (which was unresolved grief) occurred and was resolved by Malcolm in one visit. I did other work on this, too, but it was Malcolm who did the final channeling.

    My point is this: It may take more than one visit; it may not; you have to do others things as well and add your own prayer healings. But Malcolm has an amazing gift and is an amazing person.  I thank God everyday for him and the humility with which he hands his gift.  He is an inspiration to me all the way around.

    I am ever grateful to those seen and unseen forces around all of us at Chicago A.R.E.

    Dorothy May
    Darien, IL
    January 21, 2010

    Words cannot express enough “thank you” for the healing you did for my friend, Lisa’s mother-in-law!
    Friday, April 3, 2009 you performed a remote healing for Donalee de los Cobos who was in an ICU at Redlands Community Hospital in California. Doni had been in the ICU with a systemic staph infection for three weeks when you did the healing Sunday morning, April 5, 2009. I talked to Lisa on the phone. She and her husband had just come from a meeting with Doni’s doctors. The doctors said that they didn’t know what had happened during the past 24 hours but a miracle had occurred. They had all but given up on Doni when she rallied. While I talked to Lisa the doctors were removing all the tubes that had been connected to Doni to keep her alive. She was even eating ice chips, the first intake of any oral substance in 21 days!
    Lisa and her family have been thanking you and thanking God over and over for this miracle. We are all blessed by your willingness to be a channel of healing.

    With love and gratitude,
    Elleen Johnson

    LaVerne Calif


    Dear Malcom, Thank you for introducing me to God's energy. I am grateful to A.R.E. for introducing me to you, and for my session with you. I know you have helped me open my heart to God. Every day I am better able to push away worry and anxiety and live happier and more content. It is a wonderful feeling to see with my heart.

    With Gratitude,
    Brenda in Boston


    I  had a tumor on the bladder wall which blocked my left kidney outflow. Urine backed up into the collecting system on the left side causing the kidney to swell up. The CT scan revealed that this kidney was damaged and had been blocked for a  long time.  The Urologist diagnosed the tumor as cancerous and his only remedy was drastic surgery. I cannot take sedatives or be put to sleep. My brother is a surgeon. Without the operation, he said, I’d eventually go into renal failure and die of uremic poisoning. I would never survive an operation. This only left me with alternatives and spiritual healing.

    A life time student of the Edgar Cayce readings, I decided to do the treatments based on the research in the readings. (My husband, Stephen is a biochemist who makes the Cayce tonics.)  Robert Krajenke gave me Malcolm Smith’s web-site and mailed me a copy of Malcolm’s Spiritual Power, Healing Hands.  I checked out the website and found Malcolm to be very sincere, but according to his schedule he was not scheduled to come near the VA/NC area.

    I was in terrible pain and hardly able to stand up for longer than 30 minutes. I was also having a lot of bleeding and very weak and living on turpentine packs for the pain. I had to refuse pain medication as it might loosen my hold on the body and cause me to have a NDE episode. I am a near death survivor who has had NDE’s for over 40 years. (In the 1960’s it was shown me that I had a damaged silver cord.  The silver cord is that which connects the soul to the human body.)

    Early in the morning of Jan.28th, 2008, the pain suddenly began to lift off of me in stages. I felt waves of energy and light passing over me and realized I was experiencing a type of healing. I felt better than I had in many months.  Later in the day, I discovered that Robert had talked to Malcolm Smith and asked him to do a remote healing session on me.  He had been unable to contact me about the session, but I felt it without even knowing about it. That was amazing.

    Malcolm told Robert that he would continue  the remote healing sessions for two more nights. Both nights I felt waves of light flowing  through me. By the end of the third session 60% of my pain was gone -- a miracle! I still had some  painful urination and bladder problems but was able to function again and lead a near normal life.

    I had a dream that my pain would diminish even more if I could see Malcolm Smith in person.  Boston was his next closest meeting, and was to be in a few days. I do not usually make decisions that fast but Steve insisted that we go. My husband has chronic fatigue. The Boston A.R.E. was very helpful and agreed to fit both of us in for a session. 

    The night before leaving for Boston, I dreamed Malcolm Smith had a tray with nine 9 squares of soil or a dirt like material on it. His hands were filled with oval shaped diamonds. He put one diamond in the center of each square. The diamonds in the soil had something to do with the healing process and its progression. My interpretation was the soil is a growth medium and could represent the body. The number nine signifies completion. The diamonds or crystal stones in Malcolm’s “healing hands” represent the precious spark of the divine energy that flows through him. The dream was showing me that it would take nine sessions to complete my healing process.

     During my first session I heard the words, “God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.”  I felt the light energy working in my spiritual body as if it were being operated upon and adjusted,  and filtering down into my physical body. There was a twisting sensation in the auric field around the damaged left kidney.  My impression was that the operative forces in the left side were perhaps beyond repair. Then I felt a concentration of energy in the bladder itself.  I saw some past traumatic situations that had created bad memories being released into the light and I was healed of them as well. I also saw many faces but had inner direction to concentrate on the light and not on the channels or influences.

     I saw that the healing was taking place in the spirit first and would manifest in the physical body in stages. God knows which of the most important areas within me need to be healed and in which order.  The priorities in spirit might not be the same as those in the physical: thus the healing of  painful memories was important to be recalled and released. I had to see them to agree to let them go.
    Throughout the session, I felt heat, light and energy and a meditative state of peacefulness. Steve saw the face of Jesus.

    I am overly sensitive to spiritual forces and see too clearly behind the veil. This hindered me from being as receptive as I should have been in my second session. I was too on guard to block out the many images being received.  Being too psychic can be a curse. I have seen spirit entities all my life and many beg me to deliver messages, and I often block out the good forces in an effort to protect myself from those who would use me.. 

    Most of my pain was gone and I felt that my life had been extended. Steve had a spiritual breakthrough and he felt a great weight lift off of him. He had a glow about him and felt so much more energetic and clear headed.  Later that night, Steve woke me. He had a severe pain in his hip and his whole body,  especially the solar plexus area, was trembling, almost violently. The whole bed was shaking. I told him to turn on his side, which he did.  I laid hands on him and continued to pray for him. I felt he was releasing energy( memories, karma) from the solar plexus area and that this was part of  his healing. The next day, the pain and the trembling was gone and he felt great.

    On April 24, 2008 at 10 PM we had a remote session with Malcolm Smith.  Steve hooked me up to the wet-cell with silver and we I laid down together about 9:50. I went right into deep meditation and fell asleep. I got up almost every hour during the night and could feel waves of energy, especially in my head.

    The next morning, there was a noticeable overall improvement in my condition. The blockage preventing the bladder from emptying seemed improved. The pain was less and the urine was flowing much better. I had tremendous energy and spent all morning outside gardening

     I can truthfully say that the sessions with Malcolm Smith have diminished 80% of the pain. My quality of life and ability to function in a more normal way has improved greatly. I am not totally healed but am very grateful for the improvements in my condition.

    I am alive and doing constructive things, like writing a book.
    I could not be doing these things if the unbearable pain and inability to stand for any length of time continued that I had before my sessions with Malcolm Smith.

    I am very thankful that God continues to work in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.

    Joan Clarke
    Edenton, NC 27932


    After my June 28th healing session with Malcolm Smith I had an appointment with my eye doctor. The condition I have is the separating of the retina in both eyes. The doctor says it is due to age. After my examination the doctor said he was very pleased with the improvement in my condition, and “whatever you are doing, keep doing it.” Thanks to Malcolm I surely will!!! I am very blessed to have such a wonderful healer in my life.

    Peter Babcock, Sonoma, CA

    21 Year Old Injury HEALED

    In November 2007 I had my very first “hands on” healing experience with Malcolm Smith. I knew nothing about Malcolm nor did I know what to expect during my 30 minutes appointment.

    Malcolm and I spoke briefly about my reasons for seeking healing. I told him I sustained a severe neck injury 21 years ago, and now have terrible arthritis, pain and lack of mobility in my neck and shoulder. I also have arthritis in my wrists, hands and feet. After working 28 years as a hairstylist, I had to quit three years ago because I was in too much pain.
    What happened next was truly amazing. Malcolm began moving his hands around my head, eyes, ears, and neck. I felt intense heat from his hands and immediately slipped into a relaxed and meditative state. As he moved around my “frozen” shoulder his hands literally vibrated and buzzed becoming even hotter.
    He swayed and rocked gently while his hands seemed to discover the areas of greatest need for healing down my back and through my shoulders. When he held my hands, I could feel energy coursing through me. What a glorious feeling!
    Within 2 or three days after this session I realized I could turn my head with ease, my shoulder opened up and no longer ached constantly. I have regained normal mobility, and I start back to work this month. 
    My energy level is up and I feel rejuvenated in many ways. The healing I received from Malcolm was virtually instantaneous and the results have not gone away.
    I am truly grateful to Malcolm and his hands that delivered “Source” energy to me, improving my body, mind and spirit. I look forward to my next session with this amazing man and his powerful, healing hands.

    Pam Kowalski, Pt. Richmond, CA

    I am a Breast Cancer Survivor

    I went to see Malcolm in October of 2006.  I am a breast cancer survivor and they had discovered another lump in my breast.  It had shown up on both my mammogram and on an ultra sound.  I went to see Malcolm on a Saturday and had
    surgery scheduled for the following Thursday.  When I went in for surgery on Thursday they sent me to the radiology department so they  could mark the area for the surgeon to do a needle biopsy but when I got there the radiologist and his staff could not find any lump.  I told them I had gone to see a healer and they laughed but I feel I had the last laugh as they
    gave me a turkey sandwich and a juice and sent me home without doing any surgery because the lump was gone.  My surgeon followed up with a MRI to double check and the MRI also came back clear.  Thank you Malcolm for your
    selflessness in using the gift God has given to you to help heal so many people! 

    Carolyn Swaggerty, Tampa florida


    a Healing Knock on the Head

    On Tuesday morning (the third day after my healing session) sometime between midnight and 1 a.m., I was abruptly awakened from a sound sleep by a strong forceful blow to the right side of my head. Though I felt no pain at all, my immediate thought was that I was mortally wounded and I must call 911. I felt my head and to my total amazement everything was fine. Then I experienced two quick pulls or jerks in two different areas of my arm, which was one of my health issues which I described to you.

    All day Tuesday I marveled that this must be the healing energy that you spoke about. My arm felt much stronger and my usually swollen, painful, feverish fingers on my right hand experienced no pain and they were the size of the fingers on my left hand.

    My fingers are not yet healed, as you indicated they may not be. They have become swollen again, however my arm is much stronger and I am able to open jars and do many more things that I was formerly not able to do. My primary concern is that I can continue to play the piano and I am finding my abilities are improving dramatically with a much stronger right hand.

    I want you to know how truly blessed I feel to have received a healing from God through your hands. I will not forget that I too have a ministry to be a blessing to others in any way that I can be.

    Cheryl A, Philadelphia PA
    May 7, 2007

    Blood and Throat Condition Healed

    I had severe autoimmune disease that caused me to cough up skin and blood from my throat for over four years. When I saw Malcolm Smith in June 2006 I was coughing up mouth fulls of blood. My throat also had a big tear. Within thirty six hours of seeing Malcolm Smith my throat was completely healed. It has remained healed every since.

    MJS, Reading PA
    January 22, 2007

    Pain Free

    My healing went well last week, one of the systems prayed for us. As of the last two days, my right wrist is pain free. I so look forward to my healings. I felt pure love in Mr. Smith’s touch, also felt as if I was a child and all my life’s pains were being healed.

    Donna S., Philadelphia PA
    December 3, 2006

    Remote Healing Power

    How do I begin to thank someone I have never met, but has saved my life? I knew from the beginning that Jim and Linda had great faith in you. I however took an indifferent attitude about a remote healing, thinking it would just be great not to have so much pain. I didn’t quite see how someone I didn’t know or had never met could help me. However, I trusted my friends and was grateful for the gift of the remote.

    When you called to schedule the remote I had no idea what to expect. I went into a quiet dark room, laid down and tried to relax. Within ten minutes I started to get very hot, not just a warm feeling, but so hot that I had to change my clothes because they were very wet. I was the only on e who experienced this in my home. I noticed after a half hour I was feeling more at peace and the pain seemed a little better. The next morning, the pain was still there and I thought maybe it will take a few days.

    What happened next was incredible. I received a call from a back surgeon I didn’t expect to get an appointment with for several months. He is one of the best in the area. The same day I received a call from an internist that had an opening that same week. Talk about things beginning to happen. It was incredible! Although the surgeon was books through August, I was having surgery on May 10th, five days after my appointment. On May 8th I saw the other doctor.

    The surgery went great. My doctor cannot believe how fast I have healed and how great I am recovering. When I went to see about all the tests that had been taken, the doctor told us what they had thought to be cancer was nothing to worry about at this time. I believe it is because of you that I had the best doctors that knew exactly what I needed and did it in such a timely manner. You have helped my spirit and sense of well being. You truly have saved my life.

    Diane B, July 6, 2006
    Biggs, CA

    Car Accident

    Subsequent to a car accident in 2003, I endured chronic pain to my shoulders, neck, head and nerve damage to my face. The nerve damage to my face and temple was so severe it could only be described as a searing, sharp, numbing pain at its worst. To complicate matters, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and experienced severe vomiting fits from October 2005 to April 2006. I came to see Malcolm Smith in April 2006. It was a particularly difficult week and I nearly didn’t make the trip to Walnut Creek. I am very grateful I kept the appointment!

    After seeing Malcolm, I no longer experienced any of the vomiting that had plagued my existence. The night I returned from my session with him, I had an amazing, uplifting, spiritual experience that stays with me to this day. I had the most vivid presence standing before me in a long white gown that emanated such a brilliant illumination that words could not describe. The arms were outstretched and I was told I would be O.K. I never saw a face, just a figure of a Being with long, brown hair and had the sense my Presence was a “male.” The feeling of comfort and peace surrounded me in this most awesome experience.

    Since my healing, the pain has diminished significantly. The need to take any form of pain relievers is almost extinguished. I have many days in which I am free of pain. I have had two sessions with Malcolm and look forward to my third.

    Life is wonderful! And so is Malcolm Smith!

    Trish G, Madera, CA
    April, 2006

    Heart Condition

    I am writing to let you know that Sienna’s heart has completely healed – the hole has closed! I definitely feel that you played a positive role in her heart to heal and want to thank you for your prayers and concentration over her in helping to channel God’s healing energy to her heart. At 11 months old, before we visited you, the doctor still detected the hole in Sienna’s heart. Then she had her healing session with you when we visited at 12 months. At our next visit to the doctor at 15 months, the hole had closed!

    She is completely healthy. You are a blessing to many including Sienna and our family.
    Thank you so much for all you do.

    Heather, Charlie, Kaeli and Sienna W
    June 9, 05

    Remote Healing Power (July 26th, 2004)

    Last April I put my name on your prayer list with a request for prayers for my right eye which had hemorrhaged on March 25. Left eye is almost blind and, with the right eye blinded by the large blood spot, life was very difficult. It was clearing up but so slowly it was almost imperceptible from week to week.

    That night at 11:00, out of habit I looked at the clock. It was a white blur with a gray halo where the numbers should be. At 11:15, I looked again and lo and behold I could read it! The blood spot had changed significantly. About _ of it was gone. Only a slight opaque mass remained. Today, in July, I can see most of the time, well enough to drive, although I stay out of heavy traffic and avoid night driving. The pain and ache has totally subsided. There were a few minor bleeds but they were only pinpoints and cleared up within the hour. When this occurred three years ago, my doctor wanted immediate laser surgery. I refused. After more than a year that condition finally resolved itself ‚ and that was a smaller bleeding. The residual blood spots required weeks to heal.

    As you can tell, my eye is healing beautifully. Bending over to tie my shoe or pick up something does not cause pressure to make a new bleed. If ever I can be of service to you please do not hesitate to contact me. You and your intentions are in my permanent prayer book.

    Pat N., Kansas City, MO

    Baby's heart healed (June 6, 2005)

    I am writing to let you know that our baby Sienna's heart has completely healed ‚ the hole has closed! Thank you for your prayers and concentration over her while channeling God's energy to her heart. I definitely feel you played a positive role in helping her heart to heal.

    At 11 months, before we visited you, the doctor still detected the hole in Sienna's heart. At 12 months, Sienna had her healing session with you. At her next doctor's appointment at 15 months, the hole had closed! She is completely healthy!

    You are a blessing to Sienna and our family. Thank you so much for all you do!

    Heather, Charlie and Sienna Wolpandle

    Vision restored (September 2004)

    I was legally blind and not able to work or drive. My myopic macular degeneration and blood pressure has improved. Bleeding in the macula of the eye has slowed down over a period of 2 _ years. Vision is restored in center of the eye. Colors are more brilliant than before. Overall health has improved, including lowered blood pressure. Thank you for sending the power of healing through me.

    Since I put my five year old grandson on the prayer list, his asthma has stopped and he no longer requires medication. My granddaughter's stress is also improving. Thank you again for your selflessness. The time you give to others is a wonderful thing.

    Lynn C.

    Hugged by God (April 11, 2005)

    You are truly God's messenger. You continue to work down into deeper levels of my soul and spirit. Time with you is like being hugged by God. And the kaleidoscope of colors that pass before my eyes become more vivid with each visit. Blessings be upon you each and every day!

    Snoring and heart flutter

    I have been to see you four times. By the third visit, my snoring was down to 25% of the old snore, and the corresponding apnea was down the same. By the fourth visit, my heart flutter had disappeared along with all symptoms and flare ups of my old back problem which I had to baby for 35 years. Mental depression is also down to 25% of what it had been.

    Stephanie J.

    Bed wetting eliminated (June 10, 2005)

    Thank you Malcolm for freeing a little boy from guilt and unhappiness. My 10 year old grandson has suffered from bedwetting his whole life. After the second session, it stopped.

    DJ, Nevada

    Tinnitus relieved (June 15, 2005)

    God bless you Malcolm for ridding me of most of my tinnitus (ringing in he ears). The three treatments for this really worked!

    BK, Leonard, Kansas

    Acid Reflux Healing

    Bernice came to Malcolm with acid reflux, a condition where stomach acids flow back into the esophagus, causing heartburn and a number of related problems. For almost a year, Bernice lived with a condition that resembled a heart attack! She suffered with severe pain in her chest and arms virtually every day. Tests revealed no heart problems; however she tested positive for H-pylori, a bacteria responsible for heart problems and ulcers. Medication was successful in keeping her condition under control and reducing pressure in the chest.

    When she first came to Malcolm, the reflux was becoming more prominent and she slept with a wedge pillow to keep her torso raised. She also propped up her bed with a 4x4 wedge at the head of her bed. Following her first session, Bernice began to experience less discomfort and she was been able to sleep on lower pillows. She has also reduced her medication. She noted her chest pains return when she sleeps for long periods without a pillow.

    During her last session, Malcolm sensed the presence of a woman standing next to Bernice. He felt a close bond existed between the two women. Malcolm first asked Bernice if her mother was in spirit. When she said no, he asked if she had ever lost a baby. Bernice said yes. Malcolm was certain then that the spirit appearing at Bernice's side was the soul of her baby lost years before.

    Bernice and her husband have been trying to conceive for several years. Last year, her fertility doctor administered a hormonal test called FSH to determine suitability for further treatment. Her score registered a discouraging 15 points. Five points is the ideal level, the doctor said. On February 7th, she was tested again. Her FSH score dropped to 4 points! Needless to say she was thrilled! As Bernice relayed her report to me, I wondered what the connection was between her new fertility and Malcolm's treatments. The ongoing changes related to her reflux condition indicate subtle, but positive changes and adjustments in the internal environment of her body that have impacted her ability to conceive. We'll keep you posted as conditions develop!

    Floaters Vanish

    Ben is a 67-year-old retired EMS worker. He is a diabetic, and has problems with his eyes. After examining his eyes, his eye doctor compared Ben's eyes to "...a windshield that was caked with smashed bugs and grit." Ben's problem was "floaters," dust like particles swimming in the eye membrane. The floaters interfered with his vision. His eyes watered constantly and he had to wear sunglasses because of his sensitivity to light. The medications his ophthalmologist prescribed failed to give relief. Other prescriptions and over the counter remedies also failed him. Last October, Ben had his first session with Malcolm. Two days later, the "floaters" vanished along with the other symptoms -- and have not returned.

    Ben had his second session with Malcolm in December. Ben's diabetes has affected his feet to the point where all feeling is gone. The total numbness makes it feel as if he is "walking on a floor covered with loose marbles." When he puts his pants on in the morning, he has to steady himself by leaning against the wall. After his second session Ben felt immediate relief. He was steadier on his feet, and there was a noticeable reduction in the swelling and stiffness. Now, he says happily, he can pull up his pants unsupported!

    Infected Ear Heals

    Dorothy, an executive with the Detroit School System's Wellness, has this peculiar story to relate. During her session with Malcolm, she mentioned that she had her ears surgically pierced last December, and that one of them became infected. It was tender and painful. In response, Malcolm rubbed her ear lightly between his fingers. A few days later, she went to see the surgeon who had done the procedure, and to his -- and her -- astonishment, the hole in the infected ear had closed completely and was covered over with a small flap of skin. "Quite unusual," the doctor commented.

    Digestion, Fingernails and Power Animals

    As a child Veronica couldn't stop biting her nails. Her compulsion continued into her adult years. The nails broke easily, and she tried a master plan of drinking milk for increasing her calcium. Marilyn's body couldn't tolerate the milk, but her doctor misdiagnosed her symptoms. The milk had a "devastating effect." For a long time, carrot juice seemed to improve her condition, however, the nails began to deteriorate even as she continued faithfully with this program.

    Veronica came to Malcolm with hope he could improve her digestion (which related to her nail problems) and for help with her vitaligo, a condition where there is loss of pigment in areas of skin.

    By her third session, Veronica has noted a couple of areas beginning to darken on her skin. But more important, her digestion was improving and, for the first time in her life, she has no desire to bite her nails! In December, she reports, her nails literally sprouted, and have lasted the longest of any period of her life. And she says, for her "...'its a very big deal to have long finger nails!"

    During this time, she also experienced the infamous "healing effect" of getting worse before getting better. While her body adjusted to the energy and changes of the healing, she experienced a huge dip in her energy, headaches, extreme fatigue and complete exhaustion. "I could barely lift my arms to get a drink of water," she reports.

    During her first session, the feeling and awareness of Jesus was very prominent. In her subsequent sessions, she had visions of "...angels and every animal I could think of. In one vision, she experienced herself as a tiger. " It was real. I could smell the odors, feel its muscles." Later, she recalled the tiger sleeps 20 hours a day and is awake only to hunt. The tiger she identified as her power animal, and by remembering its sleeping patterns, she felt more comfortable about her need to take short naps during the day. She accepted it as part of her healing process.

    Chronic Skin Condition

    E.W. (Birmingham), a spiritualist minister and psychotherapist, reports progress on her chronic skin condition. "I've tried everything for years, but nothing has worked. My skin began clearing up after my first session with Malcolm." Elaine also reports that in the days following her session, she felt a very strong connection to Jesus and her guardian angel. She has become very interested in self-healing after closing a wound after she cut herself with a kitchen knife. She intends to read up on self-healing with plans to teach it in the future.

    Heart Murmur

    T.H. (Eastpointe) brought his 3-year-old daughter, to Malcolm. She was scheduled for surgery because of a heart murmur. Tom says that as soon as Malcolm touched her, she instantly fell asleep. Later, at home, Tom had a vision while relaxing in his easy chair. "It was as if I was inside my daughter's body. I could see her heart. Little flecks of light were going into it, and the flap closed." Tom now wants a second opinion and a new MRI and has postponed the surgery until Malcolm returns in February.

    Back Problems M.I. (Lincoln Park) suffered damage to her vertebrae when she was kicked in the back as a teenager. Over the years, she has seen different chiropractors and osteopaths, but the problem has persisted. During her session with Malcolm, the damaged vertebrae _as hot as if it were in a microwave oven. The heat, she notes, radiated out from inside the bone. It was not heat coming through the skin from Malcolm's hand. Interestingly, she hadn't mentioned her back problem to Malcolm. She came for another condition, for which she received help. Back problems have improved since then.

    Eye Pain

    A.K. (Farmington Hills) told us about the persistent pain she had following eye surgery. Her doctor dismissed the post op complication as a sinus condition that she would have to live with. After one session with Malcolm, the pain disappeared permanently!

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